माँ ने चाचा से दोबारा शादी की और सेक्सी सेक्स – 3

वाइफ हॉट सेक्स स्टोरी मेरी मां के बारे में है जो मेरे चाचा से शादी करने के बाद अब उनकी पत्नी हैं। पहली रात मैं उसके शयनकक्ष में था और सब कुछ देख रहा था।

दोस्तो, मैं रिशांत जांगड़ा आपको अपनी मां की दूसरी शादी के बाद उनके चाचा के साथ सुहागरात की दिलचस्प घटना सुना रहा हूं।

अब तक आपने मम्मी और अंकल की सुहागरात के पिछले भाग में
देखा था कि अंकल मेरी मम्मी की नाभि पर अपनी जीभ फिरा रहे थे और कमरे में मस्त आवाजों से माहौल गर्म हो रहा था.

अब आगे की वाइफ हॉट सेक्स स्टोरीज:

अंकल ने मम्मी के पूरे पेट को अपनी जीभ से गीला कर दिया. मम्मी की चिपचिपी कमर अंकल की लार से बहुत रोमांचक लग रही थी.

माँ जोर जोर से साँस ले रही थी.

फिर, चाचा ने अपने दूसरे गाल का हिस्सा माँ के पेट पर रख दिया और अपनी बाहें उनकी कमर के चारों ओर डाल दीं।
वह गहरी साँसें लेने लगा।

माँ- क्या हुआ?
अंकल- आह कुछ मत बोलो.

माँ- बताओ?
अंकल- मैं तुम्हारे शरीर को महसूस करता हूं मेरी जान, मुझे तुम्हारे शारीरिक संपर्क से बहुत मजा आता है.

माँ ने चाचा के सिर पर हाथ फेरते हुए कहा- नरेश, तुम्हारी साँसों की गर्माहट मेरे पेट पर पड़ रही है और मुझे अच्छा लग रहा है।

थोड़ी देर बाद चाचा ने मम्मी का पेटीकोट ऊपर उठाया और उनकी जाँघों पर अपने हाथ से धीरे-धीरे दबाने लगे।

उस दिन मैंने पहली बार अपनी माँ की जाँघों को बहुत ध्यान से देखा, वो इतनी सफ़ेद थीं मानो मेरी माँ हर दिन दूध से नहाती हो।

जैसे ही चाचा ने अपना हाथ चलाया तो वो अपनी दाढ़ी माँ की जाँघ पर रगड़ने लगे।
वह अपनी दाढ़ी को सहलाते हुए उनकी जांघ को चूमने लगे, ”हम्म…पूंछ…पूंछ…पूंछ.”
साथ ही चाचा भी अपनी जीभ से मां की जांघ को चाटने लगे.

चाचा की इस हरकत से माँ बहुत उत्तेजित हो गयी और कामुक कराहने लगी “आह नरेश आह…ये तुमने क्या किया…आह मालगई आह उह उह…”

फिर चाचा ने मेरी माँ का पेटीकोट थोड़ा और ऊपर कर दिया.
अंदर माँ ने बहुत बढ़िया जाली वाली लाल पैंटी पहनी हुई थी, जिसमें से उनकी चूत की दरार साफ़ दिख रही थी।

चूमा-चाटी करते-करते अंकल ने अपना हाथ उसके अंडरवियर पर रख दिया और धीरे-धीरे उसे नीचे सरका दिया और उतारने लगे।

फिर मेरे चाचा ने दोनों हाथों का इस्तेमाल करके एक ही झटके में अपना अंडरवियर उतार दिया।
माँ ने भी चाचा को अंडरवियर उतारने में मदद करने के लिए अपने नितंब उठाये।

चाचा ने माँ का अंडरवियर उतार कर फेंका नहीं, बल्कि हाथ में लेकर नाक के सामने रखा, जोर से सूंघा और फिर एक तरफ रख दिया.

अब मैं उस चीज़ को साफ़-साफ़ देख सकता हूँ, मैंने कई बार उसे देखने की कोशिश की है… लेकिन मैं उसे कभी देख नहीं पाया।

माँ की चूत ठीक मेरे सामने थी, बिल्कुल काली और उस पर एक भी बाल नहीं था।
काली त्वचा नीचे लटकती है और बीच में एक सीधी दरार देखी जा सकती है।

मैंने पहली बार किसी औरत की चूत अपनी आँखों के सामने देखी।

मेरे चाचा भाग्यशाली थे कि उन्हें मेरी माँ मिल गई और अब वह जीवन भर उनकी चूत से खेलेंगे।

अब चाचा ने माँ के पैरों को फैलाया और माँ की चूत के पास आ गये और अपनी उंगली उनकी चूत में डाल दी और अंदर-बाहर करने लगे।

जब उसने ऐसा किया तो मुझे उसकी चूत के अंदर का गुलाबी भाग दिखाई दिया जो अद्भुत था।

As soon as my uncle did this, my mother closed her eyes with a slow “hiss…” sound.
She started moving her tongue on her lips.

Uncle kept fingering her pussy.

Then, not knowing what happened to her uncle, she placed her mouth directly on her mother’s vagina and kissed it.

Then mom removed uncle’s mouth from her pussy.

Mother: Naresh, no.
Uncle came near mother’s pussy and asked mother – What happened?

Mother- No, don’t do this.
Uncle- Why won’t you do this?

Mother- I am telling you.
Uncle- No, let me do it.. I have to do it.

Mother- No, don’t do this.
Uncle- I want to smell and lick it. Let me do it.

Mother: Wait.
Uncle: Hey friend, why did you refuse?

Mother- Look Naresh, you can do anything.. but don’t do this.
Uncle- I will not let you go, this is what has to be done, otherwise I will keep doing this, why do you refuse, why should I not do it?

Mother- Naresh, I have not done this yet, I find it strange, I don’t know why you are so determined?
Uncle- Even though I have not done this yet, but Rekha, when I started feeling the sweet smell of your pussy, I started feeling like this, so I put my mouth in your pussy. Now I will keep licking it.

As soon as my mouth came out, uncle again started putting his mouth in my mother’s pussy.

My mother continued to object, but my uncle did not agree.
Mom started removing uncle’s head from her pussy and also started closing her legs.

But uncle was so crazy that he forced mother to remove her hand from her pussy and started spreading her legs again.

Mother accepted defeat.

Uncle placed his nose on the mouth of the pussy and started smelling the fragrance of the pussy.
Understand that there was a minor dispute going on between two people.

I didn’t see the time, but it was already late at night and since there was silence, the sound of my mother’s fucking was clearly heard.

After this small fight that lasted for about two minutes, uncle caught hold of mother’s hands with his hands and held her feet with his hands. Then he took out his tongue and placed it on mother’s pussy and started moving it up and down.

The clitoris of my mother’s pussy had now started getting hard due to the friction of my uncle’s tongue.

Now maybe mom also started liking it and she started making sounds from her mouth – Ah hi loudly… ah… what have you done Naresh… ah I have never enjoyed like this… ah don’t do it. Do this…this is a dirty place. ,

Uncle disagreed and continued licking the pussy.

Mother- Look, as far as Naresh is concerned, don’t do this, I am feeling strange.

Uncle did not listen to mother and continued sucking, licking and caressing her clitoris.
Mother- Ahhh…wait Naresh.

Uncle got excited while rubbing the grains – Um… Um… Ouch,
mother caught uncle’s hair and started trying to pull them out – Oh oh… Hahahaha… Naresh, don’t lick.

Uncle kept licking the clitoris.

“Ouch, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah , ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, out

After some time, mom succeeded in pushing uncle’s head back from her pussy – Come…uh…listen, agree…let it be…Naresh, don’t put your tongue inside…ah. ..get your mouth away from there!

Uncle started licking and smelling the pussy and said: The taste of your pussy is different, my dear. Now I am getting addicted to it and its smell is driving me crazy. I would have loved it today.

Mother accepted defeat and continued lying there in agony.

After licking for about ten minutes, uncle increased the speed of his tongue.
Now he started moving his tongue from top to bottom and all over the mother’s pussy.

Mother just kept moaning and groaning.
Now she slowly accepted uncle’s control and started enjoying it.

After some time, this happiness brought a slight smile on his face.

Uncle looked at my mother and started rubbing his tongue vigorously on her clitoris.

This time, my mother bit her lip and held the corner of the pillow under her head tightly with both hands.

Friends, my breasts got filled with fire due to uncle’s rubbing and almost turned into a bow and climbed on his back. Her breasts became hard and her nipples became very hard.

That day I was surprised to see my mother’s lust, even at her age she had such tremendous passion.
There was so much pleasure or taste in her pussy that uncle was still busy sucking her pussy.

Now uncle placed his lips on the skin coming out from the pussy or rather on the lips of the pussy.
He put them in his mouth and took a long sip.

Now mother started enjoying getting her pussy sucked.
Now she herself was moving her fingers up and down on uncle’s head.

Apart from kissing the skin of mother’s pussy, uncle rubbed her clitoris with his fingers.
I don’t know what my uncle found in her pussy that he refused to remove his mouth from mother’s pussy.

Then I don’t know what suddenly happened to my mother, her legs started trembling, her fists started clenching the bedsheet, her body started stiffening and she started taking deep breaths.

Mother – Ah… go away Naresh.
Uncle was busy licking pussy and did not listen to mother.

Mother: Aahhh, step back, Naresh.
Uncle still did not listen to mother and continued licking her pussy. Actually my uncle’s hand became tight.


After some time mother started getting relief.

Uncle enjoyed licking pussy juice.

“Oh…oh…oh…oh…oh…oh…oh…Naresh, you are very stubborn.”
Mother smiled and started caressing uncle’s head and taking deep breaths.

While licking the juice of mother’s pussy, uncle said – Oh my Gulbadan, the salty water flowing from your pussy is also as intoxicating as you, my love… I am enjoying it very much.

Seeing my uncle drinking the cat’s water, I understood one thing. He has been yearning for his mother’s beauty for many years.

That day uncle sucked my breasts from top to bottom.
Mother was panting.

Now uncle went to mother, kissed her cheeks and neck and said – You are very kind, my dear! This sweet fragrance of yours fascinates me. I want to be so close to your body…Mmm!
Mother smiled- What did you get when you refused to go down?

Uncle- Oh my love, this is manly nectar and every man who licks it reaches heaven.
After some time, uncle kept kissing and licking my mother and moving closer to her.

Then he held mother’s hand and brought it near his penis.
Mom started touching uncle’s penis.

Uncle took off his underwear and kept it aside.

I saw that a black, very thick python was coming out of my uncle’s underwear.

I would call it a dragon, not a cock. Because it was thick and hard at that time, it looked like a black dragon.

Seeing uncle’s thick black penis, mother also had a smile on her face – very thick.
Uncle- This is only for you dear.
Mother- Okay!

Uncle: Yes of course, take it in your hand and see!

He held mom’s hand and brought it to his penis and said – Caress it, my love!
Mom- You too.

Uncle’s penis was so thick that it could not even fit in mother’s fist.

Mom kept caressing uncle’s penis for two minutes.

Uncle- Honey, will you keep caressing her now or will you also love her?
Mom: How can I love you more, I am already doing it.

Uncle- Oh, not like that.
Mom- Then how?

Uncle went near mother’s ear and whispered in a low voice – Take it in your mouth and make love.
Mom shyly pushed uncle – You won’t agree!

Uncle took his penis near mother’s mouth and said – Oh my love, just once!
Mom pulled back the foreskin of uncle’s penis and pushed back her hair and said to uncle – You are very stubborn.

Then mom touched her delicate soft lips once on the tip of uncle’s penis. Uncle closed his eyes due to the touch of mother’s lips.

Mom again started kissing uncle’s penis while moving it up and down.

Friends, now the scene of a foreign blue film started playing in front of me.
How the sex ended, I will write in the next part of the sex story.

Please mail me your views on wife hot sex story.
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Next part of wife hot sex story: Mummy’s remarriage to uncle and hot sex – 4


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