Author’s Note: Thanks to Lizaze for editing.
I had only been in bed for a few minutes when there was a knock on the door. It was a little unusual for someone in my family to disturb me for so long, but I didn’t mind. If any of them needed something, I’d rather they get it now than wait until I fell asleep.
“Come in,” I shouted.
The door opened and in came Ellie, the oldest of my three sisters. She was wearing a T-shirt and pajama pants, indicating she was about to go to bed.
“Hey, Neal,” she said. “Sorry, I know you want to sleep and stuff.”
“No, don’t worry. I just went to bed, did you need anything?”
“Kind of. Maybe. I just…I’m starting to get a little nervous about some of my classes.”
Ellie stepped into the room. I bent down and turned on the lamp. The extra light made it easier to see the signs of worry on her face.
“Come sit here,” I said, pointing to the bed.
I sat up as Ellie closed the door and came over to me. She sat down at the foot of the bed and pulled her knees up to her chest. She didn’t seem too upset, so whatever was bothering her probably wasn’t a big deal. Then again, the women in my family are pretty good at hiding things from me. Sometimes, being the only man around can be tough.
“I didn’t really know who to talk to,” she said. “But I think we’re more or less in the same situation and everything, so maybe…”
“You mean that we’re both going to college and I took some of the classes you’re taking?” “Do you want me to help you cheat?”
“What? No! You’re an idiot. I just wanted to talk, not kick both of us out.”
“If you get caught, we’ll be in trouble. And you’ll probably be the only one who gets taken out, unless you take me out.”
Ellie tried to force a smile, but she was slowly losing the battle.
“Don’t cheat on me, okay?”
“Okay. Just making sure. What do you really want to talk about?”
“I don’t know. Just… something. Like, do you ever feel like it’s only a matter of time before you royally mess up?”
“I mean it!” she said, her constant smile betraying her intention to punish me. “I just finished writing a paper and I couldn’t help but think it was bad. It’s stupid, because I know it wasn’t that bad, but…” she shrugged helplessly. “Besides, I have an exam tomorrow. And I have to keep my grades high enough to keep my scholarship. And–“
“Wow, Ally, come on. You know you’re going to do great. You’re the smartest one in the family, remember? I haven’t seen you get an unacceptable grade on anything yet.”
“I know. It’s silly to worry about it, isn’t it?”
I shook my head. “It’s not stupid. It’s unnecessary and counterproductive, but it’s not stupid either. Everyone is worried.”
Ellie nodded and crawled over to sit next to me. I moved aside so we had room to sit together, leaning against the headboard.
“I’m pretty sure I was nervous about something,” she said. “It happens sometimes. I think it’s worse because lately it’s been happening more than usual in my classes.”
“Yeah, you’re probably a little overwhelmed. You’ll calm down soon. Most professors don’t really want to make your life difficult. I had a bit of a mess last year though…”
“Hmmm. I guess I should remember that if you haven’t failed any of your classes yet, then I’m not a real threat.”
I punched her on the shoulder, so lightly that it felt like a blow. She laughed and sat up, pretending to fall down from the blow.
“Sorry,” he said. “You know I’m just joking.”
“Well, you’re not wrong. Besides, your grades have always been the best. All the pressure is on you, making mom proud. She didn’t even ask me what my grades were last semester.”
“Oh my god, I need to remind her of my expectations now,” Ellie said, rolling her eyes. “I mean, I failed a bar exam in high school… I still remember how disappointed she looked.”
“I’m sorry,” I said, feeling like it was my turn to apologize. “I guess that won’t help.”
“Not so much. But it’s okay, I’m actually feeling a little calmer now. I think I need to talk about this.” Ellie got out of bed and headed for the door. “See you tomorrow, okay?”
“Yeah, okay. Goodnight, Ellie.”
“Goodnight, Neal.”
The next morning breakfast was chaotic as usual. Apart from Lily and Alice, none of us ate it at the same time. They seem to be more in sync than the rest of us. It may have something to do with the twins.
I was the last one to reach the kitchen, just behind Ellie, who was pouring coffee for herself. Mom was already on her way out and stopped when she saw me coming.
“Good morning, Neal,” she said. “I’ve told the girls, but I left some money and a grocery list. I don’t care who handles it, as long as it gets done.”
“’Okay, Mom,’ I said. ‘Don’t worry, do a good job.’”
I put all the sincerity in my words that my mother had every time she told me to have fun at school. When I gave it back to her she never found it as funny as I did. To her credit, she didn’t even roll her eyes this time.
“Okay, see you tonight,” he said as he walked out the door. “Love you.”
The kitchen murmured farewells, then returned to near silence with the hushed sounds of eating and drinking coffee. Ellie was still standing at the counter with her cup in her hand, while Lily and Alice were eating their cereal at the table.
I glanced at the clock and then at my youngest sisters. Getting them out the door in time to catch the bus can be a bit of a pain sometimes. They are eighteen and, in my opinion, old enough to take care of themselves, but they seldom live up to their shared status as the babies of the family.
“We’re in a hurry,” Lily said, not even waiting for me to speak. “You don’t need to crack the whip.”
I asked, “Did I say something?”
“You will. You look serious.”
Alice just laughed and let her twin argue with me. Ellie doesn’t help either. She just stood there holding the cup in front of her face to hide her smile.
“Well, as long as you understand that if you miss your bus, you can’t drive,” I said. “You’ve used up your chances this year. If it happens again, you’ll walk.”
“Oh! If the bus driver is stupid, there’s nothing I can do about it,” Lily said. “Sometimes he comes too early and doesn’t wait.”
“Yeah. I guess it can’t just be because you were slow and didn’t get out in time.” I raised my hand to stop her protests. “Anyway, the point is, you better get on that bus.”
Lily rolled her eyes and stuck her tongue out at me. I took a threatening step toward her, causing her to jump out of her chair. We stood there for a while before Ellie finally came forward to help. While I distracted Lily, Ellie quietly walked up behind her and slapped her on the ass. Although the blow wasn’t severe, it was enough to make Lily scream and look at her sister with the eyes of a betrayed girl.
“Your bus will be here in about ten minutes,” said Ellie, who wasn’t as captivated by Lily’s puppy eyes as I was. “Move your ass.”
Lily knew she was already at a disadvantage. If Ellie or I hadn’t been there to support each other, she might have dragged Alice into the argument and overtaken us. In fact, the twins were never as good as their older siblings who worked as a team.
“Come on, Ellie,” Lily said, taking Alice’s arm. “Let’s get ready.”
Alice followed her sister to their shared room without complaint. She is more inclined to do what she is told than Lily, or at least it seems so. Sometimes I suspect she is better at picking her battles.
Ellie and I drove to the college campus together, as we did most days. Our schedules aren’t too different and a ride-sharing arrangement wouldn’t cause too many problems. What’s more, our family only had two cars, and Mom rarely lent her car to any of her kids. This often left us with no choice.
In the evening, after Ellie’s last class, we went home. I parked the car nearby and waited for her as she got in the car and we were on our way. Besides her backpack, I noticed she had another bag filled with things I didn’t remember her bringing that morning.
“What is that?” I asked and she put her bag on the backseat so it wouldn’t get in her way.
“School stuff,” she said. “Well.”
“I know. I was just asking why you have twice as many people.”
Ellie rolled her eyes and sighed, but I got the impression I wasn’t the one she was angry with.
“I have a project to do. I have to use library resources for research, or some such nonsense. I think it will teach me something about not relying on the network. Mostly it’s just to carry more books around.”
I couldn’t help but laugh.
“Let me guess. Is the professor who gave this assignment an ancient one?”
“Sounds like she dated before the pyramids, yeah. Had to call the TA to do anything computer-related for her. Let me tell you, it was a fun time all around.”
“太好了,”她說。 「我曾經向你提出過一個問題,但現在你會永遠以此取笑我。你知道,這就是給人帶來問題的事情。”
「我欠你一拳,」她說。 “別以為你不會得到一個。”
「雜貨店,」我說。 “還是你忘了?”
「呃,好吧。這樣可能更容易,」她承認。 “你不會成為一個痛苦的人,是嗎?”
“哎喲!餵!”我抗議,盡量壓低聲音以免引起其他購物者的注意。 “我不認為這是我應得的。”
「嗯……抱歉,」我說。 “但是你的屁股穿上這條褲子真的很好看。”
「謝謝,」她說。然後她嘆了口氣。 “我一整天唯一得到的讚美是來自我哥哥,這有多悲傷?”
「別說了,」她說。 「說真的。我的意思是,我很感激……有點……但是,你知道,這有點奇怪。”
我聳聳肩。 “聽起來不錯。我們還年輕,我們有時間去做其他事情。”
“我的意思是,看看我們,”她說。 「我們已經開始對莉莉和愛麗絲負責,至少有一點。媽媽幾乎不再費心養育你或我了。我不禁覺得我們已經長大了,但又不像我們想像的那樣長大了。」到。 」
“你把車鑰匙放哪兒了?”她問。 “我要去朋友家玩一會兒。”
“你一開始就不能這麼說嗎?”她問道,一旦得到了訊息,她立刻就不再假裝高興了。 “這本來可以節省我們倆的時間。”
“我想是的,”她說。 “但她並沒有對此多說什麼。”
「那個……」她搖搖頭。 “不管怎樣,我只是……我在想,我是不是太無聊了?”
「首先,不,」我說。 “第二,你為什麼會這麼想?”
「你不會以為你姐姐只是更……」我揮舞著空著的手,努力想出一個合適的詞。 “好鬥?外向?有人可能會說討厭?安靜一點也不是壞事。你們兩個不必因為是雙胞胎就長得一模一樣。”
「我知道,」她說。 “我只是有時擔心我,我不知道,做錯了什麼。”
「你和世界上的其他人。我的意思是,看著我,」我說,舉起我的書。 “我並沒有度過一個充滿興奮的夜晚。”
媽媽點點頭。 “好吧,我想我已經準備好在晚上剩下的時間裡放鬆一下了。你們有興趣看電影什麼的嗎?”
「當然,」愛麗絲聳聳肩說。 “哪一個?”